Mowing the lawn is like making no mistakes.
For a lawn to be thick, healthy and beautiful, it must be mowed regularly. Really, it is important to do it wisely.
The main rule of lawn mowing, whether you use a trimmer or an ordinary mowing machine – a sharp tool. Dull blades damage the leaves of the grass and can tear out plants with a root. Not only does this look unaesthetic, it also impairs the integrity of the turf.
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Another important question is how high to mow the lawn. The answer to this question depends directly on the climate and weather conditions. In non hot regions with frequent rainfall, you can mow the grass to a minimum height (1-2 cm). If summer droughts and heat are not uncommon in your area, mowing a lawn below 3 cm can ruin it. On the other hand, excessively high grass cover (above 8 cm) provokes weeds.
For a median strip, the optimum mowing height of a lawn is 5 – 7 cm. Naturally, on hotter summer days, it is advisable to mow a few centimetres higher.